Sunday 28 October 2012

Bleaching your teeth

A tale of how society gets to decide the boundaries.

I have a friend who'd like to bleach her teeth and found a ... cheap in comparison to others ... , natural, non-damaging technique to let your teeth get bleached. Let's call her Wendy.
A few days ago Wendy and I were walking home (I didn't have my bike - long story) and she brought up the subject of getting your teeth bleached.
I said: "Don't they already bleach your teeth when your braces come off?" 
She's like : "Yeah but they did a crappy job with me, so I want to do it again. It costs €100, and it lasts for about 10 months."
So I was shocked: "wow, that's expencive."
Wendy: "What? No, not at all. Usually this costs about € 500 - 600, and it'd last for 4 months. This way, I pay €10 per month for pretty teeth. I'm willing to pay that."

"But doesn't it ruin your teeth?" I asked.
"No. Normally they get this layer off of your teeth, that's suppost to protect them, and then they bleach it, but this technique leaves the layer on, it's totally healthy."

So I'm super excited, because when something is cheap and better that the expensive equivalent, I'm always excited.
"Yeah, you should totally do that!" I thus say.
Then came the real problem, the reason she had doubts...
"But what if somebody notices, and they call me out on it? I mean, I'm not gonna lie about it, but it seems so vain."
"What? No! It's good to pay attention to your looks."
"But, it's so unnatural to have your teeth bleached..."
"What, and having braces isn't?"
"No, it is, but everybody does it anyway."
"Well, if everybody thinks that pulling your teeth from natural stand in a very painfull way is more natural than making them a couple of shades whiter, they're wrong. There is absolutely nothing more unnatural than braces."
(concerning teeth of course)
However, I could already imagine the conversation with one of my classmates on this subject.
There's this really vain girl in my class, and her eyes are way to close together, and she's rich. She looks at you like you're poo and two seconds later she's smiling at you.
I'd say she's pretty normal, because everybody in my class is pretty normal, but now that I think about it, there are people in my class who's minds are very, very twisted.
Anyhow, so this girl - julie - she'd be the biggest hypocrite ever if i'd have had my teeth bleached and she'd notice.
"Have you had your teeth bleached?" she'd ask looking at my teeth with fake wonder.
"Yeah, they were pretty yellow, and I didn't like that." I'd say.
she'd look at me as if there was something wrong with me.
"What? Don't you think it's pretty?" I'd ask (in a confronting way, I know she hates that)
"Well, uhm " (lies) "yeah, but it's so unnatural."
"you mean, like braces are?"
"No braces are something completely different." she'd say.

And I'd be like "What, you mean getting your teeth in a completely different stance than they naturally where by pulling at them is natural?"
"No, but that's different." She'd say (the blind faith)

"Why?" I'd ask, thinking, how could she justify this?
"Because it's okay to have braces. It's normal."
Are you freaking kidding me?
This is the saddest excuse used by so many, to justify something.
Wendy is just polishing the cover of her book, because everybody judges a book by it's cover.
you think that girl in the corner of the cafeteria, sitting alone at lunch everyday is weird based on the fact that:
-nobody ever approches her,
-She looks weird (super long ponytail - untill the butcrack, ugly glasses)
-she eats like a horse.
julie: you can't exclude A. that's just mean.
me: but what, it's okay to exclude the girl in the corner of the cafeteria?
julie: Yeah, it's normal.

no. no it is not.
-back to the point.
Wendy is just polishing her cover, and she's got plenty of pages, while Julie, she's a cover. One or two pages inside, because she aint hard to figure out.

She wants attention.
Sometimes she feels excluded.
To let people see that she is not affected emotionally by this, she used the bolster effect.

 That's all there is to Julie in my eyes. There is probably a secret web of complicated reasons and probably, she has more personality than that, But She Sure As Hell Aint Showin' It.
That is all there is to Julie on the surface.

AGAIN, back to the point. It's okay to pay a little attention to your looks, otherwise everybody thinks you're weird (eg: girl in the corner of the cafeteria), as long as you have a decent personality too. Don't label people who've bleached their teeth as sluts (immedeatly). First look into their eyes (that says a lot about people) and get to know them, then conclude....

think about that...

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