Saturday 27 October 2012

Feather ~ DROPPED

Title:              Feather
Author:           abra ebner
Rating:            0/10
Extra info:       startdate:  24/10/'12
                       enddate: 27/10/'12 (= dropdate)
                       # pages: 352
To read the synopsis click here.

I began to sob uncontrollably. "Edgar," I struggled to form words through the well of tears, "I don't want this to happen, it's my fault, I'm so sorry."
He ripped me away from him gruffly and looked me in the eyes, his fury burning deep into my core, "Estella, this is not your fault, don't think that." His brows were pushed together and deep creases cut into his smooth skin, "Don't start blaming yourself, you've had enough sorrow."
I looked at him angrily, "And so have you, and it is all because of me!"
He grabbed my face, his hands like steel against my cheekbones. "Stop that," he snapped and I shook with despair.
He pulled me into him and I leaned against his stone chest, wiping the tears from my cheeks.
This was my fault and I refused to be told otherwise. I should have never come here. I should have killed myself as I'd thought to do a thousand times. ~ blah blah blah ~ in my selfish desire to feel something.

I decided to quote the part where I dropped this book, feather by Abra Ebner, to explain why I dropped this book. Usually, I'm really picky about which books I read, so I don't end up dropping books often. This however, did the trick for me. I must admit, I was a little biased. In a review on goodreads i've read : holly - UPDATE: After some research on Abra Ebners website i've lost respect for her as well as her book. She has dedicated parts of her website to openly bashing Stephanie Meyer, her novels, and her creative process. From where I sit Stephanie is not the one who should be ashamed here. Just a thought. 
I don't like it when people stab the person instead of the act. 
EXAMPLE:  A cuts herself with a knife, B says: "you are so stupid"
what B should have said: "wow, that was stupid / not very smart"

So when I read this I was already thinking negatively of the author, but I said to myself: let's see what it brings to you, and not to the other people. So I read the book. It wasn't really extraordinairy, and in the beginning I already thought: wow, she shouldn't be so easy to label someone else's work as unoriginal, because this was the typical paranormal romance, even her words or sentence-structioning were nothing special. But because the idea was, well, meh - it was something different, I read on. But I must say, this book is not very good. Up until this exerpt above, it is medeocre, as many other books, that I enjoyed reading in the end, but this is where I draw the line.
Let me explain this paragraph to you through my eyes:

Oh *insert name*, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I am the victim here, I need attention.
Guy is angry: It is not your fault, I'm seriously buying into your crap right now, and I need to protect you, you shouldn't blame yourself... you are so petite, and I am big, I basicly need you to tell me I'm mascular.
Everybody should feel sorry for you (playing the selfless) and you should be pitied.
What? No you should be pitied (playing the selfless) and *taking blame for everything*
I'm being a stubborn brat( I can't help quoting here:"
This was my fault and I refused to be told otherwise."), and I am in denial (about my stupidness amongst other things) and what I say is right (and thus I'm a know-it-all. )
I should have killed myself (this may get the attention I need) Actually, that's not a bad idea. 

What would I do when someone told me I'm their soulmate, and they can prove it to me, and they do? Pump my fists in the air, do a happy dance (of course this is only in my head) and scream: Yes! I have a soulmate!
Then suddently there are people that try to break us apart...
"Hey soulmate, let's fucking kill these people together (or find another, less drastic way to get rid of them and be together) , because it wouldn't be as awesome if only one of  us was alive, and if one of us dies in the battle, too bad, the other can just kill himself (because you know, soulmates can't live without the other~or maybe that's another lie) and then we're both gone. No big deal, it's not as if we made that big of a difference to the world anyways, and you can't be in pain when you're dead.

I don't know what the fuzz is about. Don't sacrifice yourself for the other, if you don't want them to sacrifice themselves for you . Do the thing you're arguing about together. It was what you were created for anyway.


big fat FUCK YOU to selfsacrificing, because you suck and you're an attention whore.

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