Wednesday 17 October 2012

Guys who freaking pee like horses.

Don't get me wrong, some girls out there do a pretty good job too, but most of us are consious of the sound of ourselves peeing. We don't like it when others hear it, and it's awkward when we hear others do it, but living with guys, it has come to notice that (in this case) 2/3 could pee me awake.
I don't know how many girls out there have been confronted with this problem, but I have a brother (actually I have three, of which 2 do this) who pees like a horse.
I'll be siting in the livingroom, reading, blogging, doing homework when suddenly, all heaven falls down when one of my brothers pees. It's comparable with a horse peeing. I don't know if you've ever heard a horse pee, but when they do, it's like they're trying to attack the ground with a hydropump.
Imagine yourself hearing that when you're totally unprepared. It scares the shit outta ya.
How hard can it be to not aim at the water? i can take a bottle of water and dump it in the toilet, not creating the sound of a waterfall. If i can, they can too. Probably there are some out there thinking, but the water doesn't stay in one neat stream. my reply:
You had twenty fucking years to learn these techniques, if you haven't figured something out by now, it'd probably be better if you just sit down.
About that: i wonder why guys don't sit down. I get it, standing is quicker, get in, pee, flush, get out. But i think it's more pleasant when you don't have all that splatters in you face. I mean, at that speed and strength ( as i must believe there is, if it's possible to create a sound a floor above me that is still plenty audible where i am) it must ricochet back in your face, right?

wash your hands after peeing, and maybe your face too.

After peeing, wash your hands please.
Especially the guys. We girls only touch the toiletpaper, and that gets dirty, so we should wash our hands too, if not for hygene, out of mere principle, but guys. Please. Wash. Your. Hands. If you pee standing.
You're touching your dick, while it's peeing, some of it must redirect to your hands?
And unfortunately, it's common courtesy to shake hands when you meet someone.
Would you like it if somebody smeared their pee all over your hands because he didn't wash them?
Then don't do it yourselves. It's just discusting.

Think about that ...

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