Wednesday 17 October 2012

Review: The Shifter

Title:                   The Shifter
Author:               Janice Hardy
Rating:                7/10
Extra Info:          startdate: 15/10/'12
                            enddate:  16/10/'12
                            pages:      370

to read the synopsis click here.

Review:     I was looking for something like the hunger games. Not the dystopian thingy, but a main-character that doesn't lie to herself, like so many do. something like this: i kept telling myself i didn't like him, even though he looked delish today. we couldn't be together, because insert name would suffer from it. after this there would be a tirade of oh poor me, i've fallen for someone but i cant be with him for a reason i'll break later anyway. boohoo. i found that here (the not-lying). The main character Nya, has a sister she wants to protect, like katniss. But where she felt the need to protect her, i didn't. Hardy didn't portray Tali (the sister) as a weak person, and when she needed help, so did 30 others, but Nya only had eyes for Tali, and made some sacrifices for it too. Moral sacrifices. And riscs. I did enjoy the read because it was something different. It was kind of awkward when she said: he's someone i could get to like if we weren't living in this crappy situation , (as if love is something you could plan - but then again, it's like, i like him i'd like to get to know him better - and that i do understand) when the writer tries to hint at love, but she writes it off as imposible and eventually, that thread disappeared in this book. it wil probably go on in the next, but i'm still deciding on weither or not to read that one.
Recommendation:       Read when feeling like all the lovestories are becoming too much, way too sappy or just boring, and you want a break from all that

<-- these stars are FUCKING obnoxious. i tried to move them in a row at the bottom of this review but they just refused to cooperate. I'll try to fix this, but i probably can't. it was there or counting stars all over the review (:

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