Friday 9 November 2012

Review: Breathe

Title:             Breathe
Author:         Abbi Glines 
Rating:         5/10 
Extra info:   start date :08/11/'12                           end date :09/11/'12
                    pages: 166
To read the synopsis click 

 Review: This book surprised me. The main character, sadie white, has an irresponsible mother (who is, by the way, very pregnant). Because of this, Sadie has to do all the chores. Maybe it is because I recently read heart on a chain, but I thought Sadie was being whiney. "Why can't I just have a normal life, and a normal mother?" but actually, all she has to do is work. Her mother isn't even mean to her. She does sometimes tease her, and Sadie takes this as being mean, but really, even I could laugh at it. (Because I don't think the intentions of the mother were bad)
What surprised me here though, is the fact that she doesn't whine the entire book, but actually does something, a.k.a work. She is a hard worker, which I admire. But after the initial surprise came the actual book. It is a lot like the twilight saga, but not too much. First, everything great, then self-sacrifice, then a friend helps her, eventually when she was in lifedanger, he realizes how much he needs her and in the end... wait, you already know what's in the end? How?
I have mixed feelings for the writingstyle. Sometimes it was so romantic I was biting my lip, and clenching my hands and shit. Yet sometimes, here comes self-sacrificing. With which I mean it was over the top, or downright tacky.
        What drew me in to read this book is it's cover. Very pretty. (:
But there are two thing that made me really dislike this book.
1. when they first met, nothing special happened, yet she is still already in love with him. So not much relationship developement there
BUT:  She only really falls for him when he is supernice to a little kid and made her day and all the shizz... so that kindof makes up for it.
2. when he leaves to do some selfsacrificing, she gets depressed and irritatingly dependant. While it is okay to be a little dependant, I always hated people who let their intire happiness depend on one person. (I can't breathe without him, nothing matters, I don't care if I die - just a little example to let you know what I mean)
BUT: She snaps out of it when her new sibling is born (and while I do spoil everything there is to this book, I somehow don't want you to know weither it's a boy or a girl) because her mother gets post-delivery depression and doesn't take care of the baby and so Sadie has to.
Let's admire her hard working skills again, this is what she needed to do everyday in the end:
- stay up all night to take care of the baby , because it sleeps during the day
- work for a lawyerassistent (paperwork)
- stay awake during school
- homework
- questions at school ...
And while this may not seem very much (only 5 -'s) she has no time to sleep.
So, quick recap: I didn't like this book very much but because of the lip-biting, hand-clenching, heart-throbbing moments, I decided to give it a 5.
Recommendation: Read when you're in a 'love at first sight' and 'let's selfsacrifice' mood .

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