Thursday 28 February 2013

Review: Fated

Fated (Soul Seekers, #1)Title: Fated
Author: Alyson Noel
Rating: 6/10
Extra info: Startdate:23/02/2013
            Finishdate: 27/02/2013
            #pages: 352
To read the synopsis click here.

Review:    First of all, let me just say: That Cover! I was totally drawn in by the cover, and the blurb seemed okay too, so I decided to check it out. However, in the first (or second) chapter, I had already found things that were bugging me. For example, the main character, Daire, is obviously not used to attaching to things. This could be normal, given she travels the world and doesn't really have a home, but the way the author tried to portray that was irritating. She kept saying nothing could touch her, and oh no- can't do that henna, it might be permanent. And Daire doesn't do permanence.
Fortunately for me, the annoyance stayed low. There were only minor things I would've commented negatively on. Choices I would've made differently, conversations that were really weak...
In fact, the main character and the boy of her dreams (literally) didn't actually have a real conversation, ever. It's always superficial, yet still they act like they've known the other for forever. I did like that there weren't any tacky eternal love confessions. I hate those.
For the remainder there was only one last thing bothering me. Daire tried to escape the town she was sent to, but she was hit by a car. On this point, the writer decided to leave out a random amount of time, two weeks, to when you're dropped into the story again. Normally I wouldn't mind this, but I really wanted to read the part she left out. 'Cause when she's back, she suddenly knows a lot more, has this snob attitude towards the world...

Two weeks ago I never would’ve obliged
Two weeks ago I fled from her, convinced
she was far more enemy than ally.
But a lot’s happened since then.
I’m starting to accept that I’m living in a
world most people couldn’t even begin to
imagine.That old saying—ignorance is bliss—
makes sense.The ignorant are definitely the lucky oneshere.
Though unfortunately for me, I’m no
longer part of that group. I’ve split from their
Now that I’ve seen what I’ve seen, know
what I know, I can no longer turn my back
on the truth, no matter how much I’d like to.

You'd think she'd explain on the road what she found out, what she knows that we don't, but she doesn't. Not really. Besides, I like the whole 'find-out' part where characters learn to deal with a new vision on the world. Bummer for me.
Alyson Noel does make up for these minor negative things with a mediocre to good storyline. She made a whole new world, thought of a lot of details, and the general storyline was, as I said, okay.

(I have had bad expirience with Alyson noel before, I didn't really like it,  but this book was more neutral. Still don't like her though)

Recommendation: read when you've had enough deep-reads for a little while, but you don't want any extreme-superficial light novels either... or when you're just in the mood for a paranormal adventure-ish book.

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