Tuesday 9 April 2013

Review: Fallen crest high

Title: Fallen crest high
Author: Tijan
Rating: ?
Extra info: startdate: 08/04/2013
                finishdate: 09/04/2013
                #pages: 452
*adult contents*
To read the synopsys click here.

Whew, that was one scary book. It pulled me in, rattled me, shook me, but I don't know if that's a good thing. I can't grasp the fact that people can live with such a view of the world.
I've always known that I'm a pessimist but I found comfort in the fact that there is always one step below me on the pessimist-scale. So that's in which world the characters of this book live.
They are numb, they respect no one. Before I started this book, I'd already read some of the reviews on Goodreads. Some loved it to pieces, some were confused and were asking what this book was actually about in the end, others found the characters angry and bitter. When I first started this book, I had hope. The main character was different than others, but I was already shocked by her numbness, she simply did not care. About anything. At all. I thought 'wow, nice, there's going to be something that shakes her out of it, and that something is going to rock'. No such thing though. She was numb, I think it's part of her personality. What I also couldn't grasp was the lack of ethics this girl possessed. When the totally twisted kade brothers harassed her mother, adam, the 'elite' clique, and many more, she just stood there. And she found it normal. They mouthed off to everyone, they respected no one, and she was obviously used for sex by one of her soon-to-be stepbrothers. No feeling anywhere, nothing sweet, reassuring, no sentiments. All of the characters seemed afraid to feel. I'm going to be feeling this one for a couple of days, as I always do when I brush with the numb-ones.

Recommendation: I honestly do not recommend this book to anyone, unless you're really sure you can handle it. Also, if you wish to investigate the world of numbness, be my guest. Just not when you want a relaxing book to read after a long day or something like that.

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