Thursday 25 July 2013

Review: Inside Out

Title: Inside Out
Author: Maria V. Snyder
Rating: 8,5/10
Extra info: Start date: 23/07/2013
                Finish date: 25/07/2013
                #pages: 320
to read the blurb click here.
Review: First of all, I liked the casualness of the blurb. "Until i accidentally started a rebellion", that made me laugh, so I decided to give the book a try because I was up for a dystopian novel and I couldn't find anything that seemed even remotely decent. The book itself was surprisingly good. There were no sudden unrealistic turns, so once you accept the general unlikeliness of the dystopian part of the story, it's actually quite realistic. The end was very satisfying for me, it explained things, without it being too quick, know what I mean? It wasn't a sudden explosion of information that explained every single question ever previously asked in the book, a cramming of the entire story line in one explanation. Instead, it explained their entire world, but didn't give any reason why yet, because there was no possible way for the characters to know. I liked the main character Trella (or Ella, or ... *spoiler*), because she had a killer survival instinct. Even though she had a moment of 'weakness' where she doubted herself, and she allowed herself to feel bad and think about actions she'd done that may or may not have led to other people dying (she felt guilty for that by the way, which showed me that she was human underneath all the defensive survival walls that made her so strong), she kept to her main trait (still talking about the survival-instinct), which I admire. Usually in these kind of books, the main character starts out as a hard-ass survivor, sometimes whining about all they've been through and how tough it made them, and later on showing that they aren't at all tough, sometimes just realistic, but as soon as she meets the main male character (not immediately, because first they need to rant on about how they would've wanted to be with them if it weren't for the horrid living circumstances, but after they get over that) suddenly the main point of their lives switches and they'd do everything to be with them or protect them, which is in contradiction with their first survival instincts. Yeah, Trella didn't do that. She stuck with her principles, which is something very important to me personally. So generally I liked this book and I will definitely read the sequel "Outside In". Let's hope it doesn't ruin everything for me. Fingers crossed!

Recommendation: to anyone who's wanting an Awesome Dystopian novel but is afraid of the whining or self-sacrifice that might await them...

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